Two new columnists have started writing for the West Side Rag in recent weeks, and we thought we’d introduce them to you. Our columnists (now 10 of them!) are all Upper West Siders from diverse backgrounds, and they strive to make you laugh so hard you spit out your orange juice, or cry so hard that people start to wonder if you’re okay. Meet the newbies!
Marjorie Cohen
Marjorie has lived on the Upper West Side since the mid 60’s. A big fan of the neighborhood, she fought crime on the grassroots level as Executive Director of the Westside Crime Prevention Program/Safe Haven for more than 20 years. Now, with WCPP’s mission accomplished, Marjorie is concentrating on writing and editing. She is the author of seven travel books. At the West Side Rag, she will explore the neighborhood’s history. She has written about Pomander Walk, the historic hostel on 104th street, a building that preserves Ukrainian history, and a hat exhibit.
Richard Kriheli
Richard is a lifelong New Yorker and an Upper West Sider since 2006. He’s a writer, but until his writing can cover the bills he works a day job in digital advertising. He also runs the literary magazine Split Quarterly. When he’s not slaying emcees or fighting crime, you can find him masterminding a novel, which is far better written than this blurb. Follow him on twitter @kriheli. He has written about trying to make it as a young, middle-class dad on the Upper West Side.
We are always looking for new columnists, news writers, reviewers, humorists, videographers, photographers and tipsters, so if you’d like to get involved please send us an email at info at westsiderag dot com.