November 1, 2011 Weather: Sunny, High of 56 Degrees.
The photo above of the Hotel Belleclaire on 77th Street is by Amy Aglar.
Katherine, one of our readers, writes in to say that many dogs in the neighborhood are suffering from an ourtbreak of kennel cough these days that is resistant to the standard bortadella vaccine and can cause pneumonia if left untreated.
Two 12-year-olds are accused of tossing a shopping cart off of the walkway of an East Harlem mall and hitting 47-year-old Upper West Side mother Marion Salmon Hedges as she shopped for Halloween candy with her son. Last we heard she was in critical condition, barely clinging to life. (NY Daily News)
Bob Ginsberg, a longtime Democratic activist from the Upper West Side, has sent around a mailing to 1,800 Democratic activists trying to force President Obama to face a Democratic challenger in the upcoming election. Basically, he thinks Obama is a big compromising wimp. “Something must be done!” he writes. Unlikely, says Politico.
Crews are working like mad to clean up Central Park in preparation for the marathon this Sunday. Almost 1,000 trees will likely be lost from the storm. (NY Times)
The Time Warner company now appears poised to leave the Time Warner Center, a cost-cutting move CEO Jeff Bewkes seems very antsy to do. That still begs the question: now what the hell do we call it? (NY Times)
A carriage horse that died in midtown last week had a severe ulcer and a cracked tooth, a necropsy found, meaning he was probably in major pain before his death. The cause of death hasn’t been determined. The death of the horse, Charlie, has renewed calls to ban carriage horses from Central Park. (DNAinfo)