The pond known as The Pool in Central Park.
A journalism student at NYU looking for secluded spot in Central Park was robbed around 11 a.m. on Wednesday around West 101st inside Central Park. The woman was sitting on a bench overlooking The Pool, a small grotto and pond just south of the Great Hill. She was walking back from the bathroom when she was approached by man, the Daily News reported.
“But walking back from the restroom on the same path, that calm was broken by a “muscular” 6-foot man who pounced on her and beat her, police said. The hulking attacker, a man between 35 and 40, continued punching her in the face even after she fell to the ground, cops said.”
The woman suffered a black eye, bruising and possibly a broken wrist. The man who punched her got away with $1.60 and some credit cards that she quickly cancelled.
So I was thinking to myself, “what could I possibly add to this story which would start waking up Upper West Siders to the continuing downward spiral of NYC life quality since De Buffoonio became mayor”?
Those who know…know. And I would only be preaching to the choir.
Those who don’t know, probably are incapable of knowing, and happily continue on their way blissfully indifferent to their own survival.
Then there are those who DO KNOW and continue to pretend as if this story is some kind of anomaly or aberration and that it is people like me who point out their cowardly inconsistencies and inability to handle the truth who are the real problem.
Kafkaesque, eh?
The phrase ‘downward spiral’ should not longer be used, unless supported by evidence. Not every mugging, hold-up, yes, even murder, constitute a ‘downward spiral’.
I agree. By this point we should be referring to a “downward plummet” rather than a spiral.
Hi Off Duty, old friend! What can you add to this story? I’ll tell you – your classic rambling response to the article: “Woman Okay After Falling onto Train Tracks”. I like how “TAKE” is the only word in all caps. It speaks volumes. As Freudian as it gets.
Yes, I have no doubt you’ve constructed a Kafkaesque world to live in. Have you read “The Burrow?” Reminds me of you. You should get out in the sunshine once in a while. Feel the breeze on your face.
Off Duty says:
June 5, 2015 at 6:22 pm
We should be seeing more and more suicides and attempts as obola’s economy goes further and further into the pit of depression, and as people’s worlds fall apart economically and socially. All the great liberal experiments are about to dissolve.
You’ve aborted your babies, so who is gonna look after you in your old age?
You’ve “liberated” yourselves into divorce, homosexuality and “feminism”, so loneliness will now be your reward.
You’ve allowed corrupt politicians to export your economy, inflate the currency, destroy your Constitution and leave open the borders so illegal aliens can come pouring in and TAKE the fruits of your labors.
You’ve “dumbed-down” your school systems so much that companies have to look overseas for qualified employees.
So who could be better than mayor de buffoonio in charge right now?
Dirk, this is an ad hominem attack. Though I only agree with some of what “Off-Duty” says, he has a right to say it — without having to burrow from those who would like his voice buried.
The United States grew under Judeo-Christian values. Perhaps, in addition to “The Burrow”, Jeremiah might be a good read.
I have no problem with a person expressing themselves in a civilized manner, but when they can’t refrain from using childish terms like “De Buffoonio” and “obola” and insult and disrespect other people’s opinions, I feel they’re fair game. Off Duty needs to get a dose of his own immature medicine. He stated in an earlier post he’s trying to “shake things up” but really he’s just another internet troll whose goal is not to share ideas, but to antagonize people.
Read that repost again from June 5 – that was his actual response to an article about a woman who fell onto train tracks. That’s not someone who’s here to join a conversation.
@ UWS-er – Just because I’m crazy doesn’t mean that I’m stupid. Kidding of course. But ya gotta admit, I do bring some annoying, yet entertaining right-wind perspective to these boards. But I guess you’d be happy living in an echo-chamber.
@ D.R. – What may seem “name calling” to some is merely my genuine attempt to identify my zany opposition…..albeit sometimes “controversially”. You see, the thing about posters like “Dirk” is that they feel very comfortable in their little universe….happily banging away at their keyboards, confident in their leftie nonsense.
It’s not like I targeted him, (or any of HIS multiple personalities), for ridicule….HE jumped at the opportunity to get his dander up, and I provided him with a release.
I assure you that I am only posting here as “Off Duty”, and I am sincerely touched by your attempt at giving me a compliment….awkward as it is…..Re: “it/he” and “courage”.
I agree. OD’s name-calling is childish. I wish that he expressed himself as admirably and conscientiously as Denali in Posting 7 below. Both see a spiraling city and an ineffective mayor.
Your posting, Dirk, did not respond to OD’s. Instead, you pasted twice a long message that was written by him over six weeks ago about a woman who (according to a sole witness) appeared to have committed suicide. These two long insertions take up considerable room and cut short the space available for comments. They also reinforce OD’s message.
We don’t know OD. You don’t know me. I don’t know you. But I know that, to some degree, you emulate what you hate when you state: “You belittle others, I belittle you.”
Maybe OD is not a troll. Maybe he’s not Kafkaesque. Maybe he has three or four other identities. This is the reality of the internet on which we choose to comment. But, along with all the negatives, one striking aspect of OD’s NY Post persona (or actuality) is that it/he has a lot of courage.
Why repost the ramblings of a crazy person at all? Just ignore him.
@ dork – Realizing that I’m in very hostile territory here, (more than one of my comments have been erased by the moderator here….and ALL my comments are now moderated before being posted), I run a risk of responding to your vapid drivel……just by responding.
At the same time, if I do not respond to your bait, you might get to feel another kind of breeze on YOUR face….one which if specified would definitely put me off these comment boards for once and for all.
That you would bring back one of my prior comments, reveals that I should be paying you rent for residing in your head. Fear not my “old friend”, your pathetic sophomoric attempt to analyze me only confirms your own disconnect from reality. But then again, how would you ever know?
Oh yeah, that post was CLASSIC. Definitely one to remember. Sorry to hear you’re getting moderated. Humor like yours deserves to be read and enjoyed. Your a good wrighter!
But you didn’t answer my question. Have you read “The Burrow” by Kafka? You used the word “Kafkaesque” so I assume you’re well read and know what the word means?
I’m only joshing you – I know you’re not a reader.
The population of UWS is 215,000 with 1.6M Manhattaner’s total. So even .001% of the people being victims of a crime would be 215 a day- most than one every other day. It’s almost comical that w/o looking at the data you can “just tell” that crime is up.
As for stop and frisk – this was used almost exclusively in high crime areas of which the UWS is not.
No one likes crime but knee jerk reactions just come off as child-like or Trump-like.
U is not gud at mathh
Well stated!
1) The “perp’s” perceived poverty, joblessness, hopelessness, etc.;
2) The victim’s clueless-ness in venturing alone into places where no help might be available;
3) The “perp” possibly being a mental-case;
4) The victim’s look of “victim-ness” (as many an NYPD officer would tell you, to avoid being victimized make sure you do not look like a potential victim);
5) and probably many, many others – BUT NONE INCLUDE THE NAME “de BLASIO” (Chances are ‘da perp’ probably couldn’t tell you who the current mayor is, or even what a mayor is).
Wow, you only managed to blame the victim in 50% of your comments. You can do better than that.
Why is everyone blaming DeBlasio???? This has been going on for quite a while. I got mugged under Bloomberg. I think we are just hearing more about these incidents because we have the outlet to read and find out about these things. The internet and sites like the West Side Rag has been able to inform more people of the goings ons around the city and specifically on the UWS! So I wish people would stop blaming this mayor! It’s getting old and tired!
I agree 100 percent. This wonderful forum provides uncensored info.
@zeus… Why is everyone trying to justify everything with statistics and make it the whole of their reasoning. They are wrong most of the time and fluctuate greatly depending what and who you read. The Daily News for example. I believe the info that statistics say to a point, mostly I go by what I see and experience around me in my 48 years on the UWS.
Also I never said the 90′s and the 2000′s were “The good old days”
Besides, it’s been proven that 89.22 percent of all statistics are completely made up.
I want to clarify something to you that CPC is doing its great job and trying to take a park into a marvel scale. So CPC doesn’t exercise a law enforcement they only providing an information. You may talk to PEP who almost occupying a park by bringing their own car where it is not suppose to be like NMRC inside basketball court chilling out there at the office. Police are patrolling the the area but if something is going to happen,,, takes only a jerk decision
We hear more about incidents like this because there are MORE incidents like this!
Crime is up.
The reasons could be the bad economy, unemployment, the need for addictive drugs
or extra cash.
Mayor BDB is not helping any, what with his handcuffing the police, and his ultra lib policies.
He acts as if he’s the mayor of a segment of the population.
Come next election he’ll find out there’s another section as well.
Basically, it seems like we are on the fast lane back to the 1970’s and 1980’s.
Sorry to disagree but There was a lot of crime and such in the 90’s and the 2000’s before De Blasio as well! Again, You’re just hearing about it more now! Besides, unfortunately sometimes… what comes around, goes around.
I know about the karma meaning but I’m talkin about it in the literal sense which means means the status eventually returns to its original value after completing some sort of cycle.
What comes around goes around does not mean everything old is new again, it means you get what you give, so maybe that is why everyone thinks you are blaming the victim. In any event, I think one of the big problems with Central Park is that is one of those public private partnerships. There is less accountability when a private group has so very much say over the running of a public space. So, while the Central Park Conservancy does a great job with the parts of the park below 96th street, large swaths of the upper park, especially the northwest corner, are ignored because the CPC constituents don’t live there. And while the precinct has spent untold millions on its renovated headquarters, I rarely see any patrols on foot, on horse or on bike in the park, only in cruisers or those half car things. How can they police a park that is acres and acres of grass when they don’t get out of their cars? That is my two cents.
@ Off Duty… First of all..I’m not blaming the victim!!! I have great sympathy for this woman. I have been a victim of muggings a couple of times over the years. When I say “What comes around, goes around” I’m referring to (what others acknowledge as well) the way things seem to be going backwards like back to the 70’s and 80’s…So, what is old news is now news again!
@ Christina – “…what comes around, goes around.”
Really? I’m sure the female victim in this story would be greatly consoled by hearing that she somehow in your disconnected reasoning is responsible for her own victimization.
You just created a whole new category of apologist.
So true, this stuff always happened, but NYers as a whole have gotten so complacent about living the city life since it’s become the more popular option for otherwise suburbanite that they have forgotten what urban living really means.
Here is something to open your eyes a bit.
From the Daily News article about this robbery:
“Robberies inside the park, which is policed by its own NYPD precinct, have nearly doubled so far this year compared with 2014, jumping from eight to 15 as of July 12, according to NYPD data.”
So, it’s not the same as in the “good old days” of the ’90’s and 2000’s as you wrote.
While I happen to think De Blasio is an idiot and a hack, 15 robberies in 7 months is like, one every two weeks. Hardly a crime wave. But let’s hit the other hot-button issue, when the perp is arrested (and in the old days the cops didn’t even bother) surely he will be a ‘resident’ of one of those homeless shelters in the west ’90s.
He’ll have so many to choose from!
So I’ve posted maybe twice since the start of this blog years and years ago. I’m probably very much you’re average reader. I’m 35. Male. White. Liberal. But the hatred and vitriol I’ve seen displayed in these comments make me ashamed of living on the UWS. Its like I’m living in the south hearing the racist rants against Obama. I get enough of that from my relatives and expect better from my UWS brethren. The de Blasio comments are insane. I’m neither pro nor con but at what point did the mutual respect for thy neighbor go out the window. I can no longer read this blog without hearing this hatred from my neighborhood peers. It’s shameful. To the point where I do t want to log on anymore. Seriously, where is the human respect and descency for one another. It’s sad. And unkind. And mean. Although I’m considered a millennial, I think this anonymous commenting on the web had stripped away actual han compassion. Imagine these commenters as your mother or father or sister or brother – would you throw such hate?
Thank you West88. I read WSR all the time and I agree that there have been a lot of really nasty posts; there’s no reason for this. One can express their opinion without personal attacks on the other people. Can’t we behave like adults? We may not agree with someone’s opinion but personal attacks are really rude and rather childish. No more name calling please!
@ West88 – With all due respect, WHAT “racist rants against obama”? Perhaps in another comment board? I believe that you’re confusing the De Buffoonio piñata with the obama piñata.
TAKE the fruits of your labors.
@ dork – Being obsessed with anyone or anything is usually NOT a good idea. Being obsessed with a total stranger, like me, signifies a much deeper, darker problem. You need help beyond anything obtainable here.
@ dork – The only reason you describe me as a “troll” is because you are unable to accept that a highly intelligent individual is countering the BS that you and your misguided fellow travelers post here. I think it was you or one of your multiple personalities posting under another handle who accused me of….well, best to spot here.
@ dork – You live in a world of disconnect, delusion and possibly worse. You are inconsequential and transparent. A fool, lost in loony-leftism, incapable of reason, veracity and manners.
I think I’m not the only one who sees you for the misanthrope that you is, is.
You’re nothing but a troll:
troll: noun
One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.
You belittle others, I belittle you. Either learn how to express yourself like an adult, or expect more of the same.
Off Duty says:
June 5, 2015 at 6:22 pm
We should be seeing more and more suicides and attempts as obola’s economy goes further and further into the pit of depression, and as people’s worlds fall apart economically and socially. All the great liberal experiments are about to dissolve.
You’ve aborted your babies, so who is gonna look after you in your old age?
You’ve “liberated” yourselves into divorce, homosexuality and “feminism”, so loneliness will now be your reward.
You’ve allowed corrupt politicians to export your economy, inflate the currency, destroy your Constitution and leave open the borders so illegal aliens can come pouring in and TAKE the fruits of your labors.
You’ve “dumbed-down” your school systems so much that companies have to look overseas for qualified employees.
So who could be better than mayor de buffoonio in charge right now?
The Pool is directly across from my apartment. That area and the Great Hill are usually pretty well populated, especially at 11 – that’s prime time for kids, caregivers, tourists. It’s a bit of a walk up to the Great Hill, but I can’t figure out what path she took. A paved path up the stairs or one of the side (unpaved) trails that heads more toward the children’s glade? Not that it makes a difference – no one should be mugged – but I’m curious. The paved path is windy but at 11, not deserted.
@zeus… Why is everyone trying to justify everything with statistics are the whole of their reasoning. They are wrong most of the time and fluctuate greatly depending what and who you read. The Daily News for example. I believe the info that statistics say to a point, mostly I go by what I see and experience around me in my 48 years on the UWS.
Also I never said the 90’s and the 2000’s were “The good old days”
Dear Christina,
What school taught you that statistics are wrong most of the time?
What do you base this nonsense on?
Statistics tell us, at a given moment, what is going on in the moment.
Please think before you post such empty thoughts again.
Thank you
I’m sure Christine can defend herself but there are countless flaws with statistics including sample size, collection methods, who is conducting such an experiment, etc…Your logic on this is flawed Zeus. You state, “Statistics tell us, at a given moment, what is going on in the moment.” Well, they actually don’t “tell” us anything. They may paint a picture of something going on based on the data that was collected which in and of itself may very well be flawed or inaccurate rendering whatever was extrapolated incomplete.
I don’t think I agree with Christine on much, but her observation about statistics reminds me of the Samuel Clemens quote on this subject…
“There are lies, damned lies and statistics.”
@ctp, I don’t see what the Central Park Conservancy has to do with this. They aren’t accountable for security in the park. As for “large swaths of the upper park, especially the northwest corner, are ignored because the CPC constituents don’t live there,” that’s simply not true. I live near and am in the northwest of the park every single day and the CPC does a fabulous job maintaining that area – the Children’s Glade, the Great Hill, the Pool, the North Woods, all gorgeous. One of the reasons this part of the park is so special is that it’s quieter and less touristy than further south, but I guess that makes us more vulnerable, too. I often see police patrolling the area, but of course these perps don’t attack when they’re around. Just my 2 cents.
My wife and I were born in NYC in the 1940s and received our BAs in the city then went off to graduate school in the 1970s and basically lived far from NYC ever since. We visited from time to time and ten years ago bought a place in the W 70s as a second home. We make about six trips each year to NYC, each time spending from one week to six weeks, for a total of about 20 weeks a year.
I’m not sure what the stats are, but our impression is that the quality of life has altered significantly in the past year or two. On the UWS we have noticed an increase in the number of homeless/beggars/threatening individuals. The piece recently on the homeless guy by Zabars really sets the tone for the decline in OUR quality of life. For most of the homeless (the majority of whom have mental health issues or substance abuse problems) there is no answer that provides for their welfare while protecting us from the revolving door of Bellvue or Rikers. Reality is that when long term care/placement of this population altered decades ago, there is basically little that can be done that helps them while protecting us. The Zabars guy will continue to harass/threaten and will make round trips to Bellvue, but unless he really hurst someone this guy will be around till hell freezes over. System doesn’t permit solving the problem. The best case he is just an unpleasant distraction-worst cases he flips out one time and really hurts someone.
Though we love NYC, love walking the streets and the parks as well as all the other stuff the city has to offer, reality is that it has become less and less pleasant for the average guy.
Whether another mayor would be better pr worse than the current mayor is a crap shoot. However, as someone who reads at least one NYC paper each day as well as looking at a variety of NYC-centered web sites, it’s clear to me that the current mayor really isn’t concerned with the middle class or the average man or woman who works in NYC. Though he sucks up the the big money, he also sucks up to the “social service” organizations that feed off the public trough (usually feeding the leaders first-Sharpton being the best example.)
We will keep our place on the UWS, continue to enjoy the city, but the future looks questionable for the middle class that has few options.
tossing Al Sharpton into the mix? Is the New York Post the ‘news’ paper you’re reading each day?
I think BDB does a great job of caring for the average New Yorker. I consistently feel like this is his main priority. We all have a tendency to think our own situation is completely the norm, but flying in to visit your second home pied-à-terre on the West 70’s, six times a year, for one to six weeks at a time? Please be realistic, this isn’t middle class New Yorker stuff.
I’m not claiming middle class NYC status. I understand that we are fortunate to be able to visit NYC. My only point in mentioning the number of visits/length of stay is to indicate that I believe that I’m in the city often enough to get a pretty good sense of what’s happening. And what I have seen is a deterioration in the quality of life. I’m not whining, I’m not complaining, just simply giving my take on events.
As far as comments re Sharpton, I guess the Tawana Braley scam, his tax evasion and general rabble rouser colts my opinion. Before you accuse me of racism (that’s probably the next step) please note I was arrested at the 1964 Worlds Fair for demonstrating for equal rights and later that summer spent a charming 2 months in Louisiana doing voter registration. As far as newspaper, it’s the NYT.
Fair enough! We should all be so lucky – I’m glad you guys spend time here, and glad that we get to read a diverse set of neighborhood views here.
I hate noticing trash and graffiti around the neighborhood myself. Very annoying, to be sure.
Saddened but unfortunately not surprised to see this. Sunday before Memorial Day this year, I was up in this area of the park, during the mid afternoon (i.e. full daylight), and I went for the reasons mentioned by the victim and a commenter – to experience a more secluded, less touristy area of the park. I was wearing a Fuji X30 camera around my neck to snap photos, and yes, I was alone. On some of the more secluded paths I passed some solo characters just hanging out, which I defintely thought was odd…after a while, I realized two of those characters had joined up and were following me. Do I have evidence? Hell no, but my gut sense told me that’s what was going on. I calmly switched directions and walked towards other people and they stopped following. Did not have the look of homeless guys.
Makes me mad but now I know I’m not going to walk on any of the secluded paths e.g. non-paved North Woods, even in broad daylight, when I’m by myself.
I often walk my dog in that very area and was almost run down by 8-10 young people on bicycles. When I asked them to use a bell if they are going to ride on the paths (I didn’t admonish them, just pointed it out) one of them gave me the “finger” on both hands and then went up the path and waited for me at the top.Needless to say, I went in another direction, and I called the police precinct who told me that they were not breaking the law, and that although they blocked my path and were menacing, there was nothing he saw as illegal, and told me to call the central park precinct. I did call and reported the incident, but I have avoided that area of the park since. I am sorry to hear that someone seemed to have been attacked in that very location.
By many measures, there has been an increase in the types of crime that make us feel unsafe. I do fault the Mayor for poor management, and I have a proposal: his top assistant should track and release monthly to the public two metrics: (1) days spent on the job in New York City, and (2) hours spent with New York citizens, particularly in town hall meeting settings.
I completely understand the need to appoint qualified people and delegate to them. But there is no substitute to knowing one’s city and knowing the people who live here. Those two things will affect every dimension of his decision-making and also who he appoints to oversee the things that he cannot focus on.
The only constructive comments out of all of these ravings is that the police are not walking, biking or horseback riding through the Park’s more secluded areas.
Something tells me that more of you should get into the Park and away from your computers.
Here is my take. You cannot police only by riding around in a car. One drives, the other looks at their cell phone. You can only effectively police by using cars in addition to walking the beat! Actual cops on the street and in the park! I, too, notice an increase in homeless people, public urination, trash everywhere, and a feeling that this is becoming the new norm. Decay begins slowly and is usually the result of inattention to the root problems. I do not care what NYC Was, I only care what it IS.
Not many cops on the streets except in parade time, and near hotels and synagogues. They are in hiding.
Not to worry.. “The D” will take three minutes out of his presidential campaign, declare by fiat that the problem is solved and we can all go back to normal.
Why is it that African Americans create the vast majority of the violent crime in NYC. Is it their culture, genetics, family structure, what???? It is not the fault of the police for sure.
If we don’t find out what the problem is we will not solve it.
I am sorry, West88, that, in Comment #3 above, you are judging the entire population encompassed in 3-mile swath of a vertical city (with its vast differences, sometimes just from one block to the other) by the 1% who post on sites (the number quoted in 2006 report).
In my neck of the UWS, I find talented, responsible, accomplished and refined citizens – many of whom seem to live and work just to see their kids thrive; they do volunteer work; they care about their neighbors and extended families.
I don’t know how many of the 1% post “hate” messages. I forgive them their anger (which may well be justifiable and, hopefully, find safe relief in anonymity). I forgive them their perhaps chemically-induced late-night postings, which we, who wake up clear-headed, can always challenge.