Why pay to make fake snow, when the real thing is on its way?
As seen in the photos above and below, snow machines were making artificial snow Tuesday morning around 7:45 a.m. to prepare for this weekend’s Winter Jam in Central Park near the Bandshell. Meanwhile, a massive storm was barreling down on New York City, expected to dump a foot or more of real snow.
Did somebody miss the forecast?
An NYC Parks spokesperson tells us that the city needs to add artificial snow to the real stuff to make sure that the snow is deep enough for all of the Winter Jam activities.
“The grooming equipment we have coming in to create the snowfield at Winter Jam requires a large amount of snow, so in addition to the natural snow we’re getting this week we’ve decided to continue blowing snow. The snowfield will accommodate skiing and snowboarding lessons, cross country skiing, sledding, and snowshoeing.”
Thanks to Denton for the photos.
Your tax dollars at work.
Thank you Mayor De Blasio.
great start
is “thank you mayor de blasio” the new “froyo and banks” remark for 2014? bloomberg made snow, too. you can’t rely on a forecast when snow is the main event.
As of 6 p.m. those machines were still running. My guess is they’re building a slope. More info on the Winter Jam can be found here: https://www.nycgovparks.org/highlights/festivals/winter-jam
On a side note, tax dollars are absolutely not “at work.” Aside from the fact that 90% of Central Park’s operating budget comes from private donations, this is a sponsored event.
i can assure you that taxpayers are paying for some of this, if not most. Meanwhile the snow continues to pile unplowed on our streets, specifically the UES.
Clearly it is a waste of money. Did anyone in charge watch the forecast?
Of course, well, its Central Park ! Home of the billionaires! thats all our Mayor cares about!
Oh wait, we can’t use that tired excuse anymore…….
Re: “Of course, well, its Central Park ! Home of the billionaires!”
Ummm…last time I checked Central Park was open to EVERYBODY…and always has been. I seriously doubt that ‘billionaires’ use it, but if they choose to do so they are certainly welcome … as is EVERYONE!
RE: “thats all our Mayor cares about!”
Ummm…where’ve you been? That was the charge against the previous mayor! Remember, we had an election back in November and we elected “Che” deBlasio, the anti-Bloomberg.
You need to update your auto-kvetch software!
umm Stan, did you see my last line that we can use that excuse anymore…?
also, it is what we call sarcasm.
I read your comments, I thought you had an understanding of the concept.
sorry…did not see last line.
A thousand pardons!
You must be a hit at parties.
It does seem like a blunder, from the outside perspective, but from our many years skiing, we remember ski areas making snow before a natural snowfall. It seems that man-made snow creates a better base to hold the snowfall, and also to resist the wear and tear of skiing, so I think the Parks Dept. was doing the proper thing, with a big weeked coming.