Call it the anti-street fair. While most local street fairs feature the same old souvlakis and socks, this Sunday is different. A bunch of community organizatio9ns are putting on a fair on Amsterdam Avenue from 106th to 110th street where restaurants will put out outdoor seating, health groups will offer free screenings, and kids can do art projects, hang out around fire trucks and learn to make bread. The fair starts at 11 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. You can also recycle electronic waste from 10 to 4.
The info below is from the Columbus Amsterdam BID:
106th-107th Block
Live Music Stage – Grupo Internacional (12noon-5pm)
Fire Truck (1-3pm)
Recycling Information with Grant Houses & Sanitation Coaltion
Transportation Alternatives / UWS Renaissance Campaign
Oral Cancer & Screening Information with UWS Dental
Health Screenings with Ryan Center
Life Force in Later Years
Child ID with NY Life Insurance
107th-108th Block
Box City
Manhattan Mini Storage
Kids’ Art with Angelo Romano
Puppets with Friends of Frederick Douglas
Arts & Recycling with Project Flower Street
West Side Arts Coalition
Appleseed Workshops
Chef Toni
Demonstration Area: Salsa Dancing (west side)
108th-109th Block
Greenmarket (west side)
Composting with LES Ecology (west side)
Textile Recycling with Wearable Collections (west side)
UWS Recycling Information (west side)
Street Tree Care with Trees NY (west side)
Dominican Sunday
Face Painting
Bread Making
El Taller Latino
Pigeons with Victor Casiano
St. John the Divine ACT
NY Historical Society
Bloomingdale History Group
Song Writing with Orfeo Duo
West End Presbyterian
Pottery Demonstration with Mugi Pottery
109th-110th Block
Bike Lessons with Bike NY
E-Waste Recycling with LES Ecology (10am-4pm)
Electronics Registration with NYPD
For more events, see our calendar.