Claudia and Stuart Hoffman lived in Miami for 40 years, but traveled to New York City often, and dreamed of living here full time. “Once I turned 65 and retired, we sold everything in Miami — the cars were the FIRST to go! — and moved to the Upper West Side…our ‘forever home,'” Claudia said. Here are some of the lessons she has learned in the two years she’s been here.
“What I Learned From New York”
by Claudia A. Hoffman
Don’t judge/Anything goes
Confidence not to conform
Sit still and observe
Move quickly in crowds
Stop to smell the flowers
Appreciate trees and nature
Famous people are people
Famous people are awesome
There is beauty in all cultures
Being REALLY open minded
Walking dogs in inclement weather from shed to shed
Walking dogs on a beautiful spring day
Strolling peacefully in the rain
Strolling peacefully in the snow
Strolling peacefully in the sun
Ride the subway in crowds
Ride the subway alone
Mastering points of the compass
Fear pigeons and rats
Appreciate survival of pigeons and rats
Exclaim each season to be my favorite
Remember the air’s smell of the “first day of school”
Eating outside as if in a Roman Piazza
The looooong, slow death of winter
The BURST of budding spring
Fancy restaurant food is delicious
Cheap restaurant food is delicious
Long lines, when handled efficiently move quickly
SO much to do
SO little time
All the time in the world
The plan for a perfect life. Welcome aboard Hoffmans.
I love this!
Thank you for this, Claudia. Whether born here or ‘come from away’ it’s good to be reminded of these precious moments of education our City offers us. Beautifully written.
Welcome! Great move retiring here. Beautiful poetry.
Re. the opening line “Don’t judge/Anything goes”
Well…NOT everything, as perfectly captured in this great ad from a storage company:
“NYC: Tolerant of your Beliefs, Judgmental of your Shoes. “
Absolutely lovely! Thanks for all the glorious reminders …
I moved to The Upper West Side in 1965 at age 23 and have just scratched the surface.