“A cynic is a man who when he smells flowers looks around for a coffin,” wrote a WSR commenter this week. We know a few of them — and women, too.
re: Photos of the Day: Crowds Gather for Shofar-Blowing on Broadway
Mark Moore says:
Heard a lot of shofars, and a lot of people yelling from windows telling them to shut up.
re: Openings & Closings: Beauty Box, Mighty Bowl, Vino Levantino, Broadway Pizza
Wijmlet says:
Just what we need: a store that sells makeup to wear under masks
re: A ‘Rideout’ Rides Up Amsterdam
naro says:
How adorable…NOT. Teach “kids” to disregard the law.
re: Cafe du Soleil’s Space-Age Seating Is a Hit: ‘People Want Their Bubbles’
ZoomZ says:
Health wise – how do you clean it between different diners? I say this bubble too will burst.
re: Cherry Walk Section of Riverside Park to Be Closed for Weeks
Lauren says:
Oh great another project slated for “ 3 weeks.” Why don’t they finish projects before starting new ones? When is the park on riverside and 67th street opening??
re: Outdoor Dining Will Continue In the Winter and Beyond; Heat Lamps Allowed Too
Rich says:
I wonder how this is going to work…I smell lawsuits and fires in the future