8th Hill on 77th and Columbus. Photo by Carol Colitti Levine.
Restaurants have been opening for outdoor dining throughout the neighborhood in recent days, and the city now has an easy way to track who is open, and even who is serving alcohol.
On the Upper West Side, there are 201 restaurants that show up.
A handy new website just launched that keeps an updated map of what’s open. You can search by zip code, and you can even see which restaurants are operating on the sidewalk and which are operating in the roadway. Check it out here or below. (The version below has been loading slowly so it may be easier to click on the link instead.)
I’ve seen very few people at these outdoor tables. Apparently having dinner in the street isn’t a very popular idea.
Very often, people who post comments about people not using such accommodations are doing so not because they dont see people using them, but they want to argue they are a bad idea. Such as they dont want to lose the parking spaces, or they think Covid related behaviors are a joke…
The open streets outside dining plan may or may not be a good idea. But it sure is an extremely popular one so far in our neighborhood, West 80’s.
It will hopefully save some of our neighborhood gems and the local economy.
Not sure where you live, Amy. Every outside table we’ve seen whether in the street or on the sidewalk is full at 7-8 pm on the UWS.
Not sure what you are seeing Amy but any restaurant I pass on the UWS with outdoor table service has every table occupied with a line outside waiting for one as well. Personally I don’t feel it is safe for others to sit together at a table with no masks & for pedestrians to have to walk by all of them. I realize our numbers have gone down, which is Great. But everyone is getting lax now & I see half the UWS does not even bother wearing masks anymore.
Don’t agree. We’ve had two al fresco dinners this past week, in the streets, surrounded by flowers and plants and they were delicious and delightful. Not much traffic on side streets and avenues and the perfect evening weather helped. The opportunity to eat out was so long in coming And helping the restaurants by giving them business after their drought is essential.
I took an evening walk last night from 7-8:30 looping from 90th and Columbus down to 63rd and then back up on Amsterdam and every table was full at every restaurant I passed and many had people waiting for a table to free up. A couple bars had overflow as well. Is it safe? Time will tell. But do people want to eat outside on the streets—yes.
We too saw every sidewalk/curbside table filled last night on Columbus and Amsterdam in the 70’s & 80’s.
Restaurants will be allowed to do this through September 8 according to Helen Rosenthal’s email. Sidewalk only dining through October 31.
Apparently inside dining may also start on July 8, not sure that’s as great an idea.
Let’s hope you are wrong or we soon won’t have a neighborhood left.
I’ve seen many customers at tables in our area west 70’s Amsterdam to Columbus. Cafe Luxembourg is indeed a popular spot, they’ve done a great job as has Asset.
I did not see Cafe Luxembourg (200 West 70th St.) included in the map. We passed by this morning around 10:30, and noticed that quite a number of customers were already seated — and very comfortably.
The Cafe did a marvelous job with their outdoor tables, having invested in thick plexiglass (mounted on sawhorses) to safely separate diners.
Restauranteurs are working so creatively, (and, in seems to me with such faith), in trying to start the the city again. It’s heartwarming.
Just went by Cafe Luxembourg. It is the most effective and responsibly laid out design as you say with plexiglass. Well done! It should be the model for the safe return of outdoor cafes.
No “n” in restaurateur. Retired English teacher. I know. But. Yeah.
Only on The Upper West Side.
Can’t imagine such polite grammatical corrections offered from the folks in the East Village or Williamsburg.
Thank you!
(Maybe, just maybe…are we indeed more opinionated …and literate?)
Agree. I’m one too.
restaurateur, noun
res·tau·ra·teur | \ ˌre-stə-rə-ˈtər \
variants: or less commonly restauranteur \ ˌre-stə-ˌrän-ˈtər \
Definition of restaurateur
: the operator or proprietor of a restaurant
Haven’t been a big fan walking by 8th Hill every day. Bearded bartender guy mixing drinks outside never wears a mask; patrons don’t, since they’re drinking; and you can’t distance from them when you’re pushing a stroller through and they’re seated in the walk lanes (or congregated in the middle of the sidewalk). Would love to know what their policy is.
We had dinner at 8th Hill on Saturday night. The experience was lovely and delicious. Tables are adequately spaced out, the staff wore masks, and there is a wide berth for pedestrians to walk through without concern. By the time we finished, nearly all the tables were full. So good to see. The staff is thrilled to be back to work!
Tons of people on Columbus Avenue yesterday, at Papparadelle, at 8th Hill, at Asset, at Harvest Kitchen, etc.
It is my humble opinion that we are opening up too quickly. I don’t understand why there isn’t more spacing between the phases.
We still don’t know enough about the spread and eating indoors, and other activities that are not essential that bring people closer than the recommended distance is still to risky.
We know for certain now that asymptomatic people are contagious. Please exercise caution. Too many still go without masks.
Agree. Think City should stay with safe-distanced outside dining through the summer and see how it goes in terms of the virus. At least it’ll give restaurants some income until the weather changes and everything can be assessed.
@Worried Mom, I completely agree. Too much too soon, with no time to assess how each phase is really working. With so many young people not wearing masks and proprietors not taking responsibility for managing the young people drinking and congregating on their sidewalks, it looks way to risky for me.
Had pizza at Motorino the other night, but noticed raucous table across the street, where about 8 people had pulled up chairs and one was braying drunkenly. Such large groups should not be allowed!
I was down in the seaport yesterday for a change of scenery Safe to say it was terrifying ( who likes oxymorons!?!?). I’m a millennial myself and the ignorance when it came to seeing the hoards of young people on stone street and front street was astounding. No limitations to distancing, zero masks. This is eerily similar to what I saw in the beginning of Covid here in NYC. No regard for public health for such a simple solution. I’m all for getting out but the density of this city puts it at risk too easily and I think there needs to be high standards for dining and being outside to drink and socialize
Opening too soon IMHO. NYC has worked together to flatten the curve. We’re all in this together so before we run wild let’s think of our families, friends and neighbors. And of course all essential workers who have and are sacrificing for all of us every day. Be well everybody!
If this is the map is is not user friendly
Looking at the squares in the sidewalk in the above photo, there is no way those tables are 6 feet apart. The chairs are back to back.
I saw the jam up of tables (and people)in front of EVERY restaurant along 72d St., Amsterdam Ave and Columbus…Just as worrisome are all the young (ages 15 or 16 to 25)I see on the UWS along Bwy up to the 80s; young gals in tiny shorts who clearly haven’t a clue about how Corona fighting works. One young man I(16 yrs.?) w/ a male friend who WAS wearing a mask, I approached and spouted the (fake)news that they’ll be ticketing violators, since masks are SO essential. He looked alarmed and grabbed his mask from his back pocket, put it on. I NO LONGER SEE ANY POLICE STROLLING OR CRUISING THE 72d St grid in the evenings, when I go food shopping. WHY NOT HIRE UNEMPLOYED YOUNG PEOPLE, GIVE THEM AN NYC UNIFORM AND HAVE THEM FOOT PATROL AREAS. GIVE THEM “PUT ON NOTICE” SLIPS OR TAKE OFFENDERS’ NAMES TO BUILD A DATABASE. THOSE YOUNGER STREET PEOPLE IGNORE EMPTY THREATS AND SO ARE AN ACHILLES HEEL.WE’RE STILL FIGHTING THIS KILLER VIRUS. I’ve heard Bill Di Blah Blah say on tv there’d be consequences. Fake news!
In the first part of May, the Mayor stated that “Social-Distancing Ambassadors” were replacing the NYPD for that safety function.
I don’t know how these ambassadors are identifiable on the street, but they are not part of the NYPD.
Why is the clothing of the women you mention relevant? I’m going to guess that you are not in their age group (I’m not either) and comments like yours make you less credible and less likely to influence good behavior, not more.
What is the result of de-fund the police? No police.
The way cops are being treated and portrayed lately is it any wonder that there aren’t any around?
too dangerous, too soon
Mixed feelings-great businesses are not dead, just concerned about restaurant patrons herded together, unmasked while unmasked pedestrians ambling along like it’s just another day in the Big City. Just don’t have a good feeling. My wife and I aren’t going anywhere near a restaurant at this stage and unfortunately believe many in their 20s, 30s think this is all over, and if they get it, it’s not a big deal.
Agree. In reading the Washington Post this morning, I learned that, according to the CDC, the number of *hospitalizations* for those in Age Group 18-49 has increased from 27% in March to 35% during the past week.
We have laws against second-hand smoke which, over time (usually years), may affect the health of some of those in close proximity to the smoker.
Covid is a highly contagious, air-borne, deadly virus that lingers for up to 3 (or more) hours and can kill someone in a matter of days. But people are being encouraged to take that risk.
Seems nuts to me.
Covid is going to be circulating in our population for years. We can’t stop businesses from operating, if we did all of our streets would end up occupied by “demonstrators,” ( see Seattle ). We must live our lives. People need to be taught, by force of law if necessary, th at “Old Lives Matter.” Every time I see a person outside without a mask I see someone who doesn’t give a damn if I suffer and die. The optimal approach is to allow businesses every opportunity to survive, and to protect the vulnerable.
We have viable options to fight this virus, but we are stuck with a populous that is selfish, ignorant, and callous. There’s no vaccine for those traits.
I walked Columbus and Amsterdam tonight and all I can say is that there’s probably going to be another COVID spike in a few weeks. People are in the streets but on top of each other with no masks and drinking. I don’t wear my mask outside but I try to steer clear of people.
Why don’t you wear your mask outside? You’re too good to wear one? You should review your hypocritical comments before posting one next time.
I was at Boucherie in the West Village Friday evening – it had tastefully-made wooden and glass barriers between all tables (as did Petite Boucherie a few blocks away). Frankly, I will avoid the crowded too-close-together tables without barriers at UWS (and other) restaurants until I’m convinced that the type of crowded behavior everyone is seeing is not resulting in an uptick in illness. Too much hard work has gone into bringing down the infection rates in NYC. It would be great if more restaurants installed these types of barriers.
LOSE THE PARKING SPACES…and create enjoyable outdoor dining in order to save cafes and restaurants from financial ruin! Let’s follow the example of Paris, Madrid and all world class cities that celebrate outdoor dining experiences. Let’s add LIFE to our sidewalks instead of more Vacancy signs and antiseptic institutions. With some stylish umbrellas, potted palms and D.O.T. Approved Jersey Barricades for dining safety, perhaps NYC will start feeling alive again.
Have you been outside in the last week? That is already what is going on. Outside dining in the streets everywhere.
No need to lose parking spaces, they are already largely gone and so are the cars. Half of my building has moved out of the City. For good.
I guess Amy of the “Apparently having dinner in the street isn’t a very popular idea,” is not a fan of the idea since many of the restaurant tables are not “in the street at all” are just on the sidewalk right up against the eateries. I’ve eaten out quite a bit since the reopening and see a lot of demand. As for the “danger” posed by a person sitting down several feet lower than any pedestrian who should be several feet away – presumably just passing by … in open air, well the chance of getting enough of any viral load is incredibly low.
Amy, I can only assume you live under a rock or use your mask over your eyes! Everywhere is packed and it’s great to see. Too many bars and restaurants have already closed or will fall foul of the last 4 months and the full catastrophic effects to the neighborhood are still unknown. I’m glad to see so many people supporting these businesses and most of them doing all they can to make things as comfortable as possible. For those complaining, it’s quite simple: stay away!