Controversy has been ramping up over a staging of Julius Caesar for Shakespeare in the Park, because the title character resembles Donald Trump.
In the play (spoiler alert), Caesar is stabbed in the back and dies, and some theatergoers have blanched at the violence.
I wonder how much of this "art" is funded by taxpayers? Serious question, when does "art" become political speech & does that change things?
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) June 11, 2017
The Times review notes that the play does not sympathize with the killers — Caesar and his supporters are closer to the heroes. But the grisly violence is already sparking a financial backlash, with Delta announcing it will pull its sponsorship for the Public Theater. Delta doesn’t mention Trump in its statement, but it’s clear that’s a factor (otherwise it would be odd to get mad about violence in Julius Caesar, which is a violent play).
“No matter what your political stance may be, the graphic staging of Julius Caesar at this summer’s Free Shakespeare in the Park does not reflect Delta Air Lines’ values,” a company spokesman told Deadline this afternoon. “Their artistic and creative direction crossed the line on the standards of good taste. We have notified them of our decision to end our sponsorship as the official airline of The Public Theater effective immediately.”
Update: Bank of America has just pulled its sponsorship too.
Months ago, Public Theater Oskar Eustis hinted that the staging of Julius Caesar would be particularly relevant to our current political situation. He just released a statement about the controversy.
Of course, they would not dare have an Obama look-alike as Caesar, and if they did, there would be riots. Because the left lost the election, they cannot handle it to the point of wishing death on the President of the United States. It makes me ashamed to be an American that this is what it has come to. And don’t even start with the “Free Speech” retort, as no matter who is POTUS, you do not do things like this. I could not stand Obama, and I loathed Hillary, and it would be as sickening to me to have it done to them.
Actually UWSHebrew, there was a staging of Julius Caesar in 2012 that featured Obama as Caesar, and no one pulled funding.
UWS Hebrew, Your ignorance is profound. You state, “Of course, they would not dare have an Obama look-alike as Caesar, and if they did, there would be riots.” But, of course, such a staging occurred during Obama’s Presidency. As the NY Times notes, “An Obama-inspired figure, William Sturdivant (a Black man) played Obama in a 2012 production of “Julius Caesar” by the Acting Company with the Guthrie Theater.” There is no record of any such riots that followed. It is also noteworthy that the play was long studied as part of the NYC Junior High School curriculum and the point was made that the play is sympathetic to Caesar in showing that his murder led to the destruction of the Roman Republic. Your ignorance is showing again.
“Obama-inspired”, is not the same as a Donald Trump look-alike, complete with blond-ish coiffure and long red tie. I Googled the image, and it was a bald black man wearing a bow tie, so in terms of looks and dress, NOTHING like Obama. And scene .
Except they did it with Obama and many other presidents. No riots. Only one to make an issue of it was Trump.
No fear that there will be fact checking – if the facts don’t fit the story line, you can use alt-facts instead.
“Because the left lost the election,”
Actually, no. There was no candidate identified as “the left”. There was Clinton, and there was Trump. Trump won, Clinton didn’t. Who voted for whom was an individual choice, not a matter of indelible blocks.
The increasing tendency of people who support Trump to label people as “liberals” or “the left”, and then to dismiss their viewpoints (or the individuals expressing them) because of their identification to that group, is troubling. People are who they are, and they hold viewpoints because of their individual beliefs, not because you choose to assign them to a group that in all likelihood does not exist as such. Who, exactly, is “the left”?
I am only few generations removed from another country where people were identified solely by a group to which they belonged and, then, not only dismissed but exterminated because they belonged to that minority group. I lost many family members because of that obsession with assigning individuals to a disliked group. I dread seeing what looks like a similar momentum in my own country in my own time.
Disagree with whomever you choose, but do it because you disagree with what they say or with what they do. Don’t assign them to some category that you choose to despise and then dismiss them because you made the association.
Well said, Cato.
“Things like” what? Have you seen the production? (Probably not, or you would have noticed what others have pointed out: that the assassination is the death-knell of the Republic in the play.)
Also, it’s a funny world where losing by three million votes constitutes “winning.” The majority of American voters rejected your boy. Don’t ever try to kid yourself otherwise.
We’re a Republic, not a Democracy. Liberals keep pushing the “3 million” line like it means something. It doesn’t.
To the WSR, it seems to me that you let the UWSHebrew post anything he wants to say. Very sad … I will no longer read the WSR and will ask all my friends to do the same. This is not fair & balanced “reporting”.
I agree with GG and EricaC – this place would be boring (and un-American) if we didn’t have different opinions here.
That was supposed to be “ranting”, not “ranking”, obviously.
I fundamentally disagree with UWSHebrew on so many points, moral, political, manners, etc. – but I agree that suppressing his comments is the wrong way to go. The best cure for bad speech is more speech. Or, as a jurist said, sunshine is the best disinfectant.
Besides, if your views can’t withstanding the rankings of your opponent, you may not hold them as strongly as you think.
Wait one second here….I could not disagree with UWSHebrew more on many different issues but let’s not suggest censoring comments or boycotts, etc. Please.
If anything, I think the comments should be moderated less but I totally understand why it needs to be done. Heck, I have even had comments that were deemed too mean or rude or whatever. WSR does the best job they can given the circumstances.
Nothing UWSHebrew said was overly offensive or obscene or anything even close. Let’s all respect each others right to express themselves here. We don’t want a “discussion” where everyone agrees with the same pre-approved agenda. Come on, ya’ll. Stop being so sensitive. And use your words…not outrage and censorship.
And thanks again to WSR for this site so we can all discuss our amazing community.:) We are all very blessed to live here.
You just stated that you’re a Vietnam Vet, and yet you are calling on your friends to boycott WSR because of comments I make regarding a play that depicts a sitting POTUS being assasinated? Curious.
Comments are not supposed to be balanced, as long as they adhere to some basic community standards. We try to be fair, but it’s a difficult process to moderate them. We delete comments from commenters with a wide range of viewpoints if they aren’t civil, etc. If you do find particular posts offensive, we do ask that you email us at info at westsiderag dot com.
“Liberals keep pushing the “3 million” line like it means something.”
How do you know that each and every person who says this belongs to the group you call “liberals”? Those people are pointing out a fact. Disagree with them if you like, but why do you need to label them with a label they may not themselves adopt?
Sad when you have to use vietnam vet as your crutch. MOS? People fail to mention the rampant illegal voting in CA. This I have seen. So your 3mil number is as fake as your news.
Of course it means something. It means that a significant majority of those who voted rejected your candidate, which is the exact opposite of your claim that “most Americans” support Trump. Most Americans didn’t choose him. Three million more people wanted Hillary Clinton than him. His electoral college victory was, IIRC, in the bottom third of margins ever. Basically, he’s one of the least-wanted presidents in history. “Most Americans” who participated wanted H. Clinton. Deal with it.
Since you love flyover country so much and hate having to live near “Those People” in Manhattan Valley, wondering why you’re still hanging around in the city…?
I love Manhattan and I will never leave, no matter how many pink hat protests you hold. Got some news for you — Trump will be re-elected in 2020. The DNC is pushing extreme-left people as candidates, and they will all lose. Enjoy Trump for the next 7 years Sarah.
Very nicely put. Thank you, Sarah.
Check your facts before you rant. A NYC production of Julius Caesar in 2012 depicted Caesar as Obama. Shakespearewrote it in 1599. You and your president need to develop a thicker skin.
Yes. It is always amusing how often the biggest snowflakes of all are the first to start throwing that term around. If someone wants to walk around talking the way Mr. Trump does, he can hardly complain when it comes back his way.
Moreover, the American Conservative touted the 2012 Obama version as thoughtful political commentary.
There have also been versions featuring Clinton, George W, Reagan, and Lincoln as Caesar, among others.
I’m someone who leans left and who wishes this production made no allusions to Trump.
However, your characterizations of people on the left, and your typically dramatization, only detracts from your post.
*typical overdramatization*
Folks opposing this production don’t seem to have extensive familiarity with this play or it’s traditional analysis. The assassination of Caesar ultimately results in the fall of the Republic. Accordingly, such a production actually presents the consequences of assassinating a nation’s leader. So, if anything, this production points a finger at the supposed desire of liberal audience members to experience this assassination and highlights the problematic nature of that desire. It’s actually quite a complex, interesting concept. –A Liberal
Well, when you consider it was Donald Jr there is no surprise that he is both unfamiliar with Julius Caesar as well as the works of the great Bard. It is word for word.
The fact that all they see is the assassination is troubling. There is so much more. The infighting, palace intrigue and betrayal never gets old does it.
Re: “It makes me ashamed to be an American”
Oh, dear! You’ve gone and gotten it all BACKWARDS !
Being able to see a classic like “Julius Caesar” for free makes us PROUD to be New York-ers and Americans.
Having a crass bully of a president who probably wouldn’t know Julius Caesar from Sid Caesar or probably thinks Julius Caesar invented the Caesar Salad makes us ASHAMED to be American.
Thank you Mr. ScooterStan for stating how MOST Americans feel about “NotMyPresident”.
I have encountered many vets over the years, and not one has behaved like you, demanding what someone has done for their country, beginning their statement with “I’M A VET”. All the veterans I’ve met were humble men. Your personality belies many questions and problems, including the typical “ask YOUR president”. I will not engage you anymore. Also, did you not state you will not read WSR anymore? What are you still doing here?
Are you advocating humility for all of us, or only for veterans, UWSHebrew?
“All the veterans I’ve met were humble men.”
You should expand your horizons. There are actually quite a few veterans who are women.
You still have not answered my question, what have YOU done for your country??? Saying “you have encountered many vets over the years”‘, and that “you pay your taxes” … means absolutely nothing when it comes to Trump. I am including a recent article about Trump and what he has done to Veterans, SAD!
I rest my case, not worth my time to try to make you understand how bad a president Trump is.
“MOST Americans”? Maybe those in your NYC bubble! Did you see the “flyover country” map? All red! Thank goodness there is more to this country than NY and CA!
Sorry about the loss of your two great uncles. However, other than paying your taxes and you are a law abiding citizen … again I ask what have YOU done for your country? As far as your question if you can stay, you would have to ask YOUR president that.
Oh, you’re a vet, so your opinions mean more than mine? I lost two great uncles serving in WWII, one at Okinawa, the other at Leyte. I pay my taxes, am a law abiding citizen, and I support law enforcement in various ways. Can I please stay sir?
UWS Hebrew, I am selling the Brooklyn Bridge tomorrow, since it seems you believe all of Trumps numerous lies I think you are a candidate to buy the bridge. As far as a bubble goes …. YOU are living in that bubble, or maybe the swamp that Trump referrers to. Which is it? By the way, I am a Vietnam Veteran … what have you ever done for your country?
Another snowflake afraid of bullies but who sees nothing wrong with a play clearly depicting the assassination of the sitting President. It is really ironic that if Caesar was portrayed by an Obama lookalike the result would be mass riots with the theater being burned to the ground. It is clear that the Left has gone off the deep end which will further alienate it from the rest of America that exists between NY and LA. In the end they will wind up assassinating themselves.
Umm, William, I would suggest that the “snowflakes” are the ones who are threatened and hysterical over a play.
I suggest that you look at what happened today in Virginia where Republican representatives were targeted literally for their political beliefs. Since this last election the Left has directly and indirectly advocated or engaged in violence. William has it absolutely right. This doesn’t play very well in the rest of the country and will lead to an even larger Republican victory in 2018. Not very bright.
I don’t think you realize your unintentional irony. You just acknowledged that if it were Obama, there would be snowflakes complaining.
And yet since it’s Trump – how is than not snowflakes?
Yet another thin-skinned, snowflake Trump supporter…
You no doubt view the the Kathy Griffin photo holding the bloody severed head of the President as a work of art as well. Again, if she were holding the head of the last President the entire snowflake population would be in meltdown mode. These very faintly veiled encouragements of violence to a constitutionally elected President of the Unite States goes a large step beyond the not so silent coup taking place in Washington today.
This Julius Caesar looks like Conan O’Brian.
Granted I do not know the actual timeline, but I really doubt that Delta and BoA have just now become aware of the details of the production. They most likely had representatives sitting in on some of the creative meetings. I shudder to think a family members’ tweet can have this impact on an arts relationship.
… and the vile ongoing campaign to denigrate Obama (start with the Birther movement) never bothered you?
The tin-foil hat Russian conspiracy theory is the Left’s Birther movement. Fact-free, hyperventilating nonsense in a desperate attempt to delegimize a lawfully-elected president. Typical left-wing hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness. Happy Monday!
What makes you think there is a lack of self-awareness? Perhaps it is simply a question of adopting tactics that seem to have worked for others – only this time, based on reality?
Great post Madison!
Selective outrage.
It’s amusing to watch!
I found the play excessively violent, but more so other scenes than the death of Caesar.
Except a few cheeky jabs at Trump it was not particularly anti-trump. It was easy to forget about the vague similarity to Trump, and just see Caesar as Caesar.
Might be a good idea to read the play for Shakespeare’s message. Full version is on line
And if you lack the time or focus, there is this authoritative Wikipedia article =
Also in my opinion of Shakespeare’s history plays, the greatest. Foolish oligarchy. One more chink. Debbie Jones
Et tu Brute indeed.. Not one word was changed. If it offends, it’s because of the shocking similarities of Caesar and a person with whom we are all too familiar. These sponsors should be more outraged over the shocking behaviour of this President. His policies and abuse of his office are far more egregious then the recitation of that very prescient scribe William Shakespeare.
I saw the play on Memorial Day, and loved it. BUT, I am quite sure one of Ceasar’s lines at the beginning of Act 2, Scene 2 contained the words “Fifth Avenue”. It got a big laugh.
I thought the obvious references to DT were gimmicky and completely unnecessary. The play resonates and is relevant without the gags. Go see it, and decide for yourself!
Art has always been part of political and free speech. And taxpayers would much rather fund art than Presidential golfing vacations and security for the First Lady and her son living in NYC rather than at the White House. I personally will boycott Delta Airlines and Bank of America whenever possible.
An amazing form of presenting Shakespeare’s actual words that also have relevance for the modern world.
It’s shortsighted and cowardly for sponsors like Delta to withdraw. The words are Shakespeare and he wasn’t envisioning our current state of politics or our current president
Orange Julius, anyone? Let’s make Shakespeare in the Park great again!
Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth: expensive hair, pantsuits, somewhat reptilian gaze, makes Shakespeare words sound like boring soundbites, poisons everybody/thing…
Unfortunately the powers that be are pushing the daughter of Lady Macbeth into the spotlight…
I wonder how many of those who are outraged have actually seen this production.
Yes, I have seen it and was disgusted by its tastelessness.
Here is an idea STOP being political, just put on one of Shakespeare’s great plays and leave it to that.
Why people feel the need to take such artistic license with a classic part of art is beyond the pale. People go to see the classics, because of what they are not for some director/producers interpretation.
Yeah – artistic license is so terrible.
And while we’re at it, since when did women stop wearing hoop skirts?
Is this two different Marks or is it two comments from the same Mark?? I just don’t know what to think anymore.:)
I’m confused and I’m one of the Marks!
You saw the play but you somehow missed that the script is inherently political.
You probably should have paid attention better.
I need to book a flight – Delta will get my $! At least some major entities are willing to take a stand against vitriol veiled in “art”.
Shakespeare is so overrated anyway!
You wanna know who is a good writer? Ayn Rand. That old broad could write. Dean Koontz is pretty good too. Also the guy who wrote all those letters to Penthouse. That guy was great! The realism really spoke to me.
Well, I hope the next Shakespeare play at the Delacorte Theater is a “Two Gentlemen of Verona” redux retitled, “Oh, Hello, from Verona!” starring John Mulaney and Nick Kroll — those two cantankerous roommates eating too much sardines in their cluttered rent-controlled villa on Verona’s stodgy Upper West Side. That might clear your palate. BYOB
Before u say well they did it to Obama to and Delta did nothing….Delta did NOT sponsor that project, see the statement below. The secret service had several “chats” with these and other producers over the years that have done similar projects. The issue is that there are enough nuts out there that someone might try something. Remember the reason Hinckley shot Reagan?
A Guthrie representative told BroadwayWorld that “Delta was a season sponsor of our mainstage season that year; the support didn’t include productions in the Dowling Studio, which is where JULIUS CAESAR was produced.”
On the plus side for some of you, there is a production of Cats running.
It won’t challenge you, threaten your delicate sensibilities, or even require any thought.
You’ll love it!
There is and have been a lot Art that is politically motivated!!! Whether its acting, painting, writing, composing etc. AND CAN change things!!!!
Gee maybe there is a reason why security establishment is all up in arms about the “kill Trump” version of Julius Creaser. There are to many “idiots” out there to play with fire like this.
Take a look at
Gunman opens fire at congressional baseball practice…
High-Powered Rifle; More than 50 shots fired…
‘Are Those Republicans or Democrats Out There?’
Kept unloading and reloading…
Capitol Police prevented massacre…
Security tightened at White House…
Thank you Robert, for being logical!
There’s our answer.
Are you suggesting that the current production is partly to blame?
I love how people (most of whom haven’t seen it) are outraged at Shakespeare in the Park, while excusing the tweets and genital grabbing/boasting and the Montana body slam.
But yeah, keep telling yourselves that the Left is responsible for the ugliness.
Do the snowflakes on the Right have no limit to their lack of logical reasoning?
No not at all.
What I’m saying is that there is no reason to continue to create an environment that feeds the hate that may cause a fringe nut to do something like this.
The guy in Virginia was a member of various different social media groups that espoused taking “the strongest actions in the streets to stop the Trump agenda”. There is no reason to take this type of low road, right or left. Take look at the link below, it is just a sample of the Left-Wing TWITTER celebrations this am. Where is the outrage for that? Take a look at the samples below
It seems that our neighbors on the Right are experiencing a shortage of mirrors.
But go ahead and kid yourself in thinking that Twitter is a tool of the Left.
The aim of this play is to incite violence against conservatives. The shooting of Rep. Scalise is a proud feather in their cap. They are hoping for more.
Your sense of drama is impressive.
It’s remarkable to see the snowflakes of the Right come out in force during times like this.
Shakespeare’s immortal words have not changed. The only thing that changed is the visage of Caesar transformed into Donald Trump who is brutally and graphically stabbed under the American flag. The director obviously wanted to show the public how to rid the country of Trump. It is despicable and so non-creative. Shame on Shakespeare in the Park for making this non subtle, crass and disgusting political statement.