Police arrested a man who had set up a stand to sell clothing on Amsterdam Avenue between 72nd and 73rd streets on Friday around 4:10 p.m., Joseph Bolanos tells us. Bolanos took the photos above and below and an officer told him the arrest was for unlicensed peddling. The 20th precinct did not respond to requests for more information; hopefully we’ll hear more on Tuesday.
That area, and particularly the area from 72nd to 74th on Broadway, has drawn police activity and regular complaints from residents in recent years because of street vendors there. The people complaining say some vendors are too aggressive and break the laws.
Joseph Bolanos again… Eyeroll
Is this really the best way to deal with this? Can the police just give him a citation/ticket and tell him to be on his way?
Now all of us as taxpayers are going to have to pay for this guy’s travels through the criminal justice system, whether it finds him guilty or innocent.
And don’t get me wrong, he shouldn’t be on the street selling things without a license, but arresting this guy is out of proportion for the crime.
They seem to be arresting left and right. This week they have been all over the subway stations after fare jumpers. I was shocked to see them arresting a woman (middle age, AA) for this. I thought they just write you a ticket too. Maybe she did not have ID or something but still, seemed like an overkill to me too.
How do you know she was with Alcoholics Anonymous? And what difference does that make?
Agreed Sidd! Clearly making an example to the other vendors about the importance of paying the city their due before you START selling.
I agree , , , but this all plays into the way crime gets reported by the NYPD. I have friends (officers) who work at other precincts throughout the city and they constantly mock the 2-0 for such arrests. It shows our Precinct is tackling crime!
The perp who broke into my apt. last Summer still roams free, but I am sure glad this vendor is off the streets!
Does anyone know why the book street vendor on Columbus between 67/68th streets is allowed to keep his inventory over night in the street taking up half of the block in front of the liquor store? He covers it up and even leaves his chair there! It is very unattractive not to mention that he blocks up the sidewalk. Why is this allowed? All those poor shop keepers pay exorbitant rents, but he doesn’t need to?
I agree.
That is Charlie. He has great books that are well organized.
He is an interesting guy to talk to about literature and the arts.
My reply was in response to the post about the book vendor on Columbus and 67th.
Sellers used to remove their stuff every night up to about 7-10 years ago.
Since the lawsuit where the city had to reimburse a couple of vendors for removing their stuff they all just leave their junk on the sidewalk overnight (and probably hope that the city tries removing it so they can collect a windfall).
So if I just go, unwrap the tables, grab books and throw them in the trash…would that be stealing under the law?
It would not be considered stealing, since the property was left in a public place and could therefore be considered abandoned. You raise an easy soloution to the problem…
Books and art are protected under the first amendment. Not food or clothing.
They’ve tried….https://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/05/10/sidewalk-bookseller-returns-to-find-shop-empty/
All of the book vendors leave their stuff overnight. Too much hastle for the law to be enforced (book inventories,etc.)Then the vendors end of suing the city and get paid off.
You must be new to the neighbor. He’s been there for decades.
You don’t like it, move out.
That’s a ridiculous reply. I’ve live here for 25 years that man smokes cigars takes up half the sidewalk and should be subjected to the same rules that apply to those men on Amsterdam.
Seriously? The guy is selling clothes not drugs. How about fining him and letting him make a living. Vendors have been on that block for years, if they irritate you, move.
I was actually looking for this vendor over the weekend. He sells baby/children’s clothes with rock insignia and such. He used to be set up by Fairway. Every time I’ve purchased from him he is lovely. And if I remember correctly, he has a wife and 2 small children.
Tends to hurt businesses in the area that of course are paying taxes. Nobody wants to pay them, but you gotta.