We wonder what Zabar’s is trying to say here. It’s just so…subtle…
@WeepingCheeto The picture of Trump eating a pork chop at the Iowa State fair will never leave me. pic.twitter.com/CmdiEKXoff
— Nancy Toothaker (@spacelamb) October 15, 2015
Photo by Ira Schwarz.
I don’t know why everyone is so up in arms over Trump.
He only wants to Make America(â„¢) Great Againâ„¢.
It must be true, he says it so often.
and he’s rich.
It must be true, he says it so often.
He must be important.
It must be true, he says it so often.
If Trump is the nominee, he will beat Hillary. Most of this country does not reflect the feelings of the Upper West Side and Beverly Hills. Go Trump go!
I assume your username indicates your jewish. Shame on you!
In the 1930’s Hitler blamed the Jews.
Isn’t it the same with his attack on Mexicans, Muslims, etc?
Put the crack pipe down. Trump has no chance against Hillary or Bernie. None.
Craig, I don’t think you’re acquainted with anything resembling facts or numbers. Bernie is toast. He’s heading back to the People’s Republic of Burlington to lick his wounds. And Hillary may end up under indictment.
Gotta LOVE The Donald!
Anyone but Hilary! She should be in jail.
Then why isn’t she?
Not sure about the Trumpmeister. I have not heard of a single, concise plan on foreign policy, the Fed, business and political relations with Europe, ACA, repair of US infrastructure, farm subsidies, payroll taxes, income taxes, nuclear plants, solar energy…
Here’s his tax plan https://taxvox.taxpolicycenter.org/2015/12/22/trump-would-slash-taxes-for-the-top-0-1-percent-by-an-average-of-1-3-million-add-nearly-10-trillion-to-the-debt/
Thanks! I think… 🙂
Trump for President. Well?? People like him because he “pulls no punches”. He says exactly what he thinks. Many people are tired of everything being so sanitized, homogenized and “P.C.”
Will he win. Probably not. But, if Hilary does — will it really be that bad. If she wins it will really be a third term as President for the Bubba.
Many people like me think that one of the best times to be alive and living in the U.S. was during the Clinton presidency.
Every body had a job. If you didn’t, it was because you just didn’t want to work. The economy was through the roof. And, the U.S.
was respected by most countries around the world.
Bill Clinton — the first gentleman, masquerading as a third time president. You go Hil and Bill.