A community board committee will take a second look at a series of changes that could transform Lincoln Square on Tuesday at 7 p.m. at 250 West 87th street. The Department of Transportation presented a plan in December that could alter the bowtie area on Broadway from 69th street to 62nd (read the full plan here).
Initial reactions to the plan were generally positive, although bicyclists were concerned it does not adequately protect bikers trying to navigate the treacherous area.
The committee will also look at crash stats from the 20th precinct, which could inform future decisions about which streets to target for changes. And the DOT will also discuss the M60 and M86, which is expected to get Select Bus Service this year, allowing riders to buy tickets before they board the bus. That will hopefully speed bus service. The full agenda for the meeting is below.
Transportation Committee, Andrew Albert and Dan Zweig, Co-Chairpersons
Tuesday, February 10, 7:00 PM
1.   Second presentation by the NYC Department of Transportation on the proposed Lincoln Square Bow-Tie Pedestrian Safety Project.
2.   Presentation by NYC Transit on the M60 and M86 bus routes.
3.   Discussion of crash statistics/patterns in the 20th Precinct.
On Monday, another community board committee will be discussing illegal hotels, another hot UWS topic, at 6:30 at the same location.
Image via Department of Transportation presentation.
Anything that might reduce traffic casualties seems like a good thing to me.
And the illegal hotels do cause problems so I’m glad that will be addressed soon.
Isn’t the M60 already SBS?
Yes, it’s not clear what changes the MTA will be discussing for the M60. WSR
Why are the cyclists concerned? They don’t obey traffic laws anyway.
Actually, many of us do. I guess obeying traffic laws is not something people notice.
Are we going to now create the same traffic back up every evening that we now have at 96 and Broadway and at 96 and West End Ave.
I live at 93rd and West End Ave., ever since the new traffic pattern has been put into place, the traffic backs up for up to ten blocks every evening, even worse on Friday nights. The horns start honking because the side streets have no where to go because WEA is now backed up till 88th, 89th st. or beyond.
I live a few blocks above W. 96th Street, and we have the same problems, both on Broadway and West End. It’s awful. Let’s face it. The effort to make the crossings safer for pedestrians has created other calamities. I’ve seen the most horrifying behavior on the part of drivers who are frustrated by being in Midtown Manhattan like traffic jams at one pm on a Sunday. Those traffic designs are nightmares for anyone living here or walking here or driving here. Next plan, please.
Get rid of the roads completely and make them pedestrian. Why are we giving up so much public value to drivers over residents and walkers. Streets used to be for everyone, now just for cars. Time to double the sidewalks, eliminate the parking, and give cars 1 lane….deliveries and locals only, everyone else onto the highway.
I think there is enough room for people and cars. You obviously don’t have a car and don’t think any one else should have one.