Local police precincts meet once a month to take questions from community members and to describe trends in local crimes. Given the concerns we’ve heard about some of the recent criminal activity on the Upper West Side, from stabbings to gang assaults, we thought we’d remind people of those dates.
The 24th precinct (covering the area above 86th street) meets on Wednesday, November 19 at 7 p.m. at the Bloomingdale Library, 150 West 100th Street.
The 20th precinct (below 86th) meets on Monday November 24 at 7 p.m. at the precinct, 120 West 82nd Street.
The meetings typically last about an hour and include presentations on recent crimes and police tactics, and time for a Q&A with the commanding officer.
Question 1: How does it feel with Al Sharpton running the NYPD?
Which one covers 86th street itself?
Looks like one covers the North side, and the other the South, according to this map: https://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/html/precinct_maps/precinct_finder.shtml
But it’s worth asking if you go to one of the meetings! WSR
what can an average NYer carry to protect themselves from Muggers?
How ever shall we protect ourselves from the elderly jaywalkers thst threaten our freedom and liberty?!?!?